St. Mary-Holy Cross Parish

Our two churches, located in rural Northern Polk County, bring together members from 13 school districts and 23 communities to pray, serve, minister, socialize, and grow in our Catholic Faith. Please join us!

​Additional Reconcilation Times
at St. Mary
Thursday, March 27 6:00-7:00pm
Friday, March 28, 5;00-6:00pm
(before Stations of the Cross)
Saturday, March 29, 3:00-4:30pm
​Fr. Parker does not have set office hours when he is at the parish.
To reach him, please email, call or text:
Winter Weather Cancellations
Whenever North Polk School is cancelled, dismissed early, or evening school activities are cancelled due to weather, classes, meetings and activities here at the Parish will be cancelled as well. In most instances, Masses - both daily and weekend - will not be cancelled, so please use your own judgment.
If the need arises to cancel weekend Masses or activities, it will be on Channel 8 TV and online only.
Holy Cross may be under “Maxwell” or “Elkhart”.

A New Way to Donate to St. Mary-Holy Cross Parish! Use the QR code or click the image to the right and in the drop down menu choose our parish (St. Mary/Holy Cross Parish - Elkhart) and make your donation. You have choices for your contribution: Tithes, Building Fund and/or Food Pantry or a general donation to the parish. The Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa will send all gift acknowledgement letters.