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Events & Opportunities

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Parish Music Coordinator Job Opening

We would like to hire a part-time music coordinator from within the parish. This is a very flexible job—work some from home! It’s a paid position averaging 10 hours most weeks, though more around Christmas and Easter. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Fr. Ross at or  515-367-2685.         

Parish Potluck and Game Day!

Come and gather with us Sunday, July 21 after the 10:00am Mass at St Mary for our monthly family potluck. A main course will be provided; please bring a side dish to share. We will have fun and games for all ages. If you are interested in helping prepare and coordinate our family potlucks, please contact Nicole Cory.

 Breakfast for Our Senior Citizens!

We appreciate you and we want to show our gratitude!  Join us Friday, August 9.  We will gather in the Social Hall following 8:00am Mass for a breakfast in your honor. A RSVP is appreciated to the Parish Office by Tuesday, August 6, but come even if you are unable to RSVP!! 

We hope you become involved in our Parish community. 

Click here for our Parish Time and Talent Form to fill out

and return to the Parish Office. Thank you for becoming involved!  

An Opportunity To Meet Other Parishioners!

Hosting wine & cheese or coffee & donuts is a great way to meet and get to know other parishioners! If you have not hosted before, we can pair you up with someone who has.  Please contact the parish office with questions or if willing to help. Host wine & cheese: First Saturday in October. Host coffee & donuts at Holy Cross: First Sunday in September. Host coffee & donuts at St. Mary: First Sunday in August or September. Thank you for considering this opportunity! 

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Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) 

Every gift, regardless of the size, is vital to the success of  reaching our assessment of $51,458. Please prayerfully consider how you can support our Diocese and in turn, our parish.  Please mail your gift (checks made out to  Diocese of Des Moines) to the Diocese or drop in the collection basket at Mass. You can also donate online at; choose our parish from the “Designate” dropdown. Thank you to those who have already made a gift!


Parish Goal        Pledge Total        Payments       Amt, Due 

  $51,458              $49,400              $48,420         $3,038


Looking For a Way to Become More Involved With Your Parish and Local Community? 

   Wine & Cheese and Coffee & Donuts:  Hosting wine & cheese or coffee & donuts is a great way to meet and get to know other parishioners! If you have not hosted before, we can pair you up with someone who has. Please contact the parish office with questions or if willing to help.  

   Liturgical Ministers needed:  8:00am Mass at Holy Cross: lectors.  5:00pm Masss at St. Mary: Altar Servers; 10:00am Mass at St. Mary: lectors and Ministers of the Eucharist.  Please let the office know if you are interested in helping with any of these.

   The Blessing Box Food Pantry is seeking volunteers to help box items to distribute to families on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Please contact Tammi McClain at 515-290-3904 if interested. 

   Calling All Musicians! We would love to have you join our music ministry to participate during Mass! We are happy to provide training and have you sing or play with mentors. Teenagers welcome! If interested and would like more information, please contact Sue Schmidt, / 515-689-9949.

Thank you for considering these volunteer opportunities!

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History of St. Mary - Holy Cross

Were you married at St. Mary or Holy Cross or had other family historical events related to our parish for which you have photos or documents? Larry Sauer is looking for mementos of these events that we could borrow to have reproduced for preservation and display in future St. Mary-Holy Cross history books. The plan is to find a display case for other historical artifacts that can be displayed too.  If you would like to share your history with our parish, please contact Larry at 515-710-2421. Thank you! 

St Mary Holy Cross Parish

Parish Office
460 NW Washington Ave.
Elkhart, IA 50073


Phone: 515-367-2685


Fax: 515-367-7028

St. Mary's Catholic Church
460 NW Washington Ave.
Elkhart, IA 50073

Holy Cross Catholic Church

12704 NE 98th Street

Maxwell, IA 50161

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