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Prayer Requests

If illness or a crisis strikes your family or friends, don't hesitate to contact us so members of our Parish may offer prayers for your needs.  


 If the prayer request is not for yourself, please ask permission of the one the request is for to put them on our prayer chain.


To submit your prayer request, fill out the boxes below and click Send Prayer Request.  Or you mayemail your request to the Parish Office.

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition,

 with thanksgiving,

make your requests known to God.


Philippians 4:6

Prayer Request 

Thank you. Know of our prayers for your needs.

St Mary Holy Cross Parish

Parish Office
460 NW Washington Ave.
Elkhart, IA 50073


Phone: 515-367-2685


Fax: 515-367-7028

St. Mary's Catholic Church
460 NW Washington Ave.
Elkhart, IA 50073

Holy Cross Catholic Church

12704 NE 98th Street

Maxwell, IA 50161

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